Recognizing our Teachers! Thank you from the entire Madison Rivergate Community!
Congratulations to the teachers and students who were honored at this year’s Education Appreciation Day. Your hard work and dedication have not gone unnoticed! Thank you for putting your all into this school year! Also, congratulations to all our administrators on completing another year helping our teachers shape our community’s children into the best they can be! We are truly in awe of all of you.

Students of the year! Working hard everyday!
Last but not least, thank you to the sponsors who made this event possible. Madison Town Center (Madison Square Shopping Center) sponsored four schools. Other sponsors of schools included Kickin’ Coffee and Tea, Old Town Trolley, Natasha D. Yokley Real Estate, Rep. Bill Beck, Madison Police Precinct, and Goodpasture Christian School.
We hope you all enjoy the summer, and we look forward to another amazing school year after a well-deserved break!

Our School Adminstrators keep everything moving forward!